It’s Another Caption Contest!

Remember our first caption contest? It was last April, and it was a kick.

Here’s another one.

And here are the details: Leave your caption in the comments to this post by Sunday, 2/28/10 at midnight. The winner will be announced in a blog post here on Monday, 3/1, and will receive a box of the freshest and tastiest Hamakua Springs produce. Having been the occasional recipient of one of those boxes, let me assure you that they are really wonderful.

You shouldn’t enter if you are a close family member of Richard’s or mine, because that just wouldn’t be right and no matter how funny you are, you won’t be selected as a winner. Other than that, we’ll read ’em and we’ll choose the one we like best. Straightforward.

Here’s the photo. Go to it!



8 thoughts on “It’s Another Caption Contest!”

  1. Here’s mine:

    “Gudfunit!…your mother shoulda been back from the farmers market an hour ago!”

    (I disqualify myself, though, ‘cuz I won last time — someone else’s turn this time. That was a nice box of veggies!)

  2. Listen up kids, you’re about to learn why we cross the road, remember, no one can know about this…..

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