Where We Live: A Pacific View’s Slideshow of the Big Island

Richard ran across this slide show, by Tom of the blog A Pacific View, on Puna Web. The photos were so spectacular, Richard told me, he had to stop and send the link to June before he was even done viewing them.

"It's easy to forget what a special place the Big Island is," he told me. "Even Mauna Kea!" But you only have to look at these photos to appreciate where we live all over again.

Click to see the slide show:

A pacific view

– posted by Leslie Lang

2 thoughts on “Where We Live: A Pacific View’s Slideshow of the Big Island”

  1. Thanks you for those kind words Richard and Leslie! It was a lot of fun getting those photos together over the last year or so and I’m very happy that other people enjoy them!

    Yes, the island is a very special and unique place.


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