Category Archives: Mauna Kea

Moving Forward & The Mountain

“Hawaii’s biggest industry is its tourist industry. It seems likely to me that Hawaii’s tourist industry will largely disappear in the next few years, as oil prices rise.”

Gail Tverberg wrote those words the other day in her post to

Her conclusion flows logically from the Peak Oil premise – that world oil supplies will decrease at an increasing rate. Which means that transportation fuel will keep increasing, which means that planes and people will not be able to afford to fly.

But it is very hard to look at those words, let alone process them. There does not seem to be any relief in sight. In fact, we all know it will get a lot worse. Actually, it may never get better.

Hotels are slow, everyone is saying. And some of the reservations we are seeing now were made a long time ago. People expect that new reservations will be even scarcer.

What this means is that many, many jobs will be lost. What will happen to those families whose jobs vanish? Kids in tense households, where parents cannot make ends meet, will suffer. And it will get increasingly worse as time passes.

We must do something to help us transition into the next phase. It is no longer about us. Now it’s about the keiki and the generation after that. We must all rise above our agendas and focus on the future generations.

One thing we can all do is work together to bring the Thirty Meter Telescope here.

In brief, this is a new telescope proposed for the summit of Mauna Kea. It’s an enormous project, and there is controversy about it to match.

There have long been issues – very valid issues – with the telescopes on Mauna Kea, mostly focused on poor stewardship of the mountain, a lack of respect toward the Hawaiian culture, and the lack of benefit to our local communities. I acknowledge and recognize these problems one hundred percent.

I have been involved extensively in talks re: the possibility of this Thirty Meter Telescope being built on Mauna Kea. I volunteered for the Thirty Meter Telescope subcommittee nearly three years ago because I was determined that if it is built, it will be done the right way. It’s only because I have seen the very real possibility of things being very different this time that I have stayed involved.

I am not one to be naïve. Now, unlike what has happened in the past, I see very real potential for two important things to happen. In exchange for our practically unsurpassed location for astronomical observations, I see:

• The opportunity to set up a facilitated framework where a group of stakeholders guides the process.

• The possibility for the people of the Big Island – and our keiki – to directly and measurably benefit from this new telescope being located here.

We must make an honest effort to address the very real issues in a positive way, fix what needs to be fixed and move forward.

We need to set guidelines – if this telescope happens, it must be a Big Island initiative (not controlled by people sitting at desks on O‘ahu).

If we are all willing to sit down and work toward a common solution, we can both take care of Mauna Kea and also benefit from locating the Thirty Meter Telescope here.

Siting the Thirty Meter Telescope here can be a catalyst that allows our keiki to get a good education, as I see that educational benefits for our keiki can be negotiated. A good education will help our keiki figure out sustainable solutions to the decline in fossil fuels in this changing world they are inheriting. We must help them acquire the tools they need to become sustainable.

Perhaps some of our keiki will choose to study fields such as agriculture. Maybe one of them will figure out how to make nitrogen fertilizer from excess geothermal energy. It will take something like this to feed all of our people. Let’s give our children the best educations we can.

The Thirty Meter Telescope will take 10 years to build, and many people will be employed in the construction. It is projected to cost $750 million to build. But most of all, that would give us time to transition. We must all work to ensure that our society does not fall apart with desperation because there are no jobs.

These issues are no longer about us. Now they are about our keiki and future generations.

“Not, no can. CAN!” We owe it to them.

Snow on Mauna Kea, February 2008

Richard’s grandson Kapono Pa writes:

On Sunday, my family (my mom Tracy, dad Kimo, and sister Kimberly and I) went up to Mauna Kea to play in the snow.

photo by Kapono Pa


Kimo, Kimberly, Tracy    (photo by Kapono Pa)

It was a nice and warm 34 degrees at the summit, with a wind chill of a face-stinging 10-15 degrees, with some winds blowing at 30 mph or more. The snow was set on thick—in some spots there was two to three feet of snow, most of which was almost ice because it has been up on the mountain for a couple weeks now. There was snow down to about 11,000 feet.


photo by Kapono Pa

There were tons of people snowboarding and skiing. Each group of people took turns picking each other up at the bottom of the hill and driving them up to the top to drop them off and start all over again. My dad (Kimo) had fun running down the small hills on his boogie-board that he just bought from Wal-Mart that morning. He wiped-out big time and ate some massive snow (but I think we shall keep that picture to ourselves).


Kimo    (photo by Kapono Pa)

Sunglasses were a must because it was bright and sunny and the snow was pure white. We came back with some sunburn even though we only spent about two hours up on the mountain (I guess time seems to move slower in thin air). I personally had tons of fun, and I think we all did seeing as we all “boarded” on the snow for the first time ever.



At the end, we spent about 15 minutes shoveling snow into the back of Dad’s truck to bring back and show everyone.


Kapono, Kimberly, Tracy and Kimo Pa    (Snowman photos by Richard Ha)

The pictures of us making snow “things” were taken in the driveway of my great-grandparents (Joseph and Florinda Perreira—June’s parents).


Kimberly and June made a snowman, for which Florinda provided the hat, and I made a bear and a fish. We all used rocks for eyes.

(Editor’s note: The following email exchange took place:

Leslie to Richard: “Richard. Are you shirtless in that picture with the snowmen?”
Richard to Leslie: “Yes. This is Hawai’i.”)

All the leftover snow in Dad’s truck melted overnight and was gone by the next morning. It was a great experience and I got the awesome pictures that I wanted. Had a blast.

First Snow

The first big snow of the season is always kind of exciting. There was a huge storm on Mauna Kea this past week—and down here, too—and it left our 13,00-plus-foot mountain wearing a beautiful, white snowy cape.

When it snows here in Hawai‘i, people sometimes drive up the mountain and come back with a pickup truck full of snow. You see snowmen popping up in the oddest places: outside the veterinarian’s office, or on a street corner downtown. Of course, Hilo itself is an odd place to see a snowman.

Mauna Kea Meeting

Yesterday I attended a board meeting of the Office of Mauna Kea Management (OMKM). I was there because I am a member of the Hawai‘i Island Economic Development Board and a member of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) sub-committee.

Also in attendance were University of Hawai‘i (UH) President David McClain, UH General Council Darilynn Lendio and Dawn Chang of the consulting firm Kui Walu.

Those three were there to present the University of Hawai‘i’s plan of action regarding Judge Hara’s ruling, which addressed the need for the Department of Land and Natural Resources to draw up a Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) for Mauna Kea.

Besides the OMKM board members, there were perhaps 30 members of the public present.

I volunteered for this project sub-committee for several reasons: My dad was one of the bulldozer contractors hired to make the road to the summit of Mauna Kea. I was shocked to see video of him operating his bulldozer, because my family does not have many photos of him. It seemed like a good omen that when I sat there, wanting to do the right thing re: Mauna Kea, I saw Pop’s video.

Also, I used to help put on the Mauna Kea 200 motorcycle race and spent a good bit of time riding my motorcycle on the snow 30 or so years ago. Although it is not politically correct now to admit that, it’s true. I still feel an intense need to take care of the mountain.

And more than all that, I want to do what I can to make sure that if this telescope is sited on Mauna Kea it is done with respect and in consultation with the local Hawaiian community.

My involvement automatically led me to the community of Keaukaha, and specifically its elementary school, where so many Hawaiian people on the Big Island have cultural ties. It is not lost on me that while the TMT is potentially a $750 million construction project, and other telescopes on the mountains are also valued in the multiple millions of dollars, there is nothing tangible in Keaukaha—a nucleus of the Hawaiian community on the Big Island—that relates to, or is a benefit of, astronomy at the tip of the Hawaiian mountain Mauna Kea.

My friend Duane Kanuha and I did not think that was right and so we set out to do something. This turned out to be our Adopt-a-Class project.

Allan Ikawa, President of Big Island Candies, former chair of the UH Board of Regents and one of the first people who volunteered to get involved to protect the mountain, went first and gave a really, really good description of the early days—the passion, determination and selflessness of those original folks who stepped forward on behalf of Mauna Kea.

He described how difficult it was for them then to be cursed and yelled at, especially considering they were all volunteers trying to do the best they could. He made it very clear that UH had a lot of shortcomings—they tended to deal with paper and words, not so much with people. They were, then, mostly about power and control. The result is that, til today, people still do not trust the university.

Then Dr. McClain spoke. Ms. Lendio followed and gave a legal “lay of the land” and then Dawn Chang explained her involvement.

Dawn Chang assured everyone that she wants to do this right because her personal reputation is on the line—and in her business, she said, that is all she has. I kind of believed her.

She and her partner are doing the Comprehensive Management Plan. She assured us that she will consult and include the OMKM’s opinion in every facet of the CMP.

The board talked about transparency and Ms. Chang’s compensation and Ms. Lendio danced around the subject by quoting lawyer/client confidentiality. She did say it was based on hours.

Darilynn Lendio said that Judge Hara’s ruling specifies that the DLNR needs to have a CMP and that they would consult with DLNR ahead of time about the content of the plan—that it will be DLNR’s plan.

Members of the OMKM board were very wary. They expressed their desire to vote the final plan up or down when it is finally done. If the OMKM board votes the CMP down, it would not likely pass the approval of DLNR’s board.

Harry Yada, a former OMKM board member, made clear that it was not about the plan, it was about how it was to be implemented. It wasn’t the paper; it was the people. This sentiment was expressed in many different ways by different people.

I stood up and said: “The words sound good, but I’m not going home and call up my brother and tell him everything is going to be good.”

Barry Taniguchi, as chair, had the last word. He warned the University of Hawai‘i not to repeat the mistake of bypassing the Big Island people.

I cannot help but feel that most speakers there were very understated, so as not to be rude. I hope the UH does not misinterpret kindness for weakness.

So now, the ball is in UH’s court. Let’s hope they see the light, and consult and talk story with Big Island people before they develop their plan.

Readers of my blog know that I am very concerned about the drastically changing energy situation we are facing, and our island’s importation of more than 80 percent of its food. We need to come up with serious solutions to these problems, such as finding ways to produce food locally for all our residents.

We have a long way to go to address these problems, and outside money from new telescopes done in the right way will be very helpful as we work through the transition in order to take care of our island’s people.

This is, of course, in addition to doing the right thing in terms of taking care of the mountain Mauna Kea and respecting our local Hawaiian communities.