Heavy Lifting

Richard Ha writes:

Today’s weight: 197.5 lbs. 
This week’s target weight was 198.0 lbs.
I am .5 lbs. ahead of schedule.

Starting weight on 10/15/06: 200.0 lbs.
End goal, on 12/31/06: 185 lbs.
Since 5/23, I have lost 17.1 lbs.

My goals: To lose one pound per week for 15 weeks, and to lower my resting heart rate to below 50 beats per minute.*

On 5/23, my resting heart rate was 65 beats/minute. 
Today, it’s 65. It’s high because I’ve been training at a higher intensity for longer periods of time. I expect my resting heart rate to be in the mid-50s when I’m well rested.

* Heart rate goes down as one gets into better shape. Lance Armstrong’s is said to be 32. George W’s was reported to be 47 beats per minute. Out of shape, mine is in the 70s. My best was 52 many years ago.

* * *

Last week I was in San Diego at the Produce Marketing Association trade show. I had access to an exercise room, which allowed me to keep losing weight even though I was on the road.

Recently I started lifting weights. I’ve been doing arms, legs and abdominals on one day, alternating with working on my chest and back on another day. I do 10 minutes on the elliptical at 125 heart rate and then one set of whichever body part is scheduled.

Then I do 10 minutes at 129 beats per minute on the elliptical, and then a second set of the body parts I’m working on that day. Lastly, I do another 10 minutes of elliptical at 139 beats per minute and then finish off with the third set of weightlifting.

I’m phasing in the weightlifting at a very slow and easy pace. I’ve got lots of time and, after all, it really is all about the journey. Besides, I’ve done this many times before and I’ve learned how to avoid sore muscles when first starting back at the weights. I’ve learned that the trick is to not push too hard during the first three weeks.

I fly to Sacramento tomorrow, where we will visit Ag Tourism facilities as well as farm stand operations. This will help us to design our own facilities when we’re ready—we’ve got plans to expand our operation in the near future. I return to Hilo on Thursday.