Slow Food

Richard showed me an interesting and thought-provoking article by Alice Waters of the restaurant Chez Panisse in Berkeley. It’s called Slow Food Nation and here’s the gist of it:

“Food is destiny, all right; every decision we make about food has personal and global repercussions. By now it is generally conceded that the food we eat could actually be making us sick, but we still haven’t acknowledged the full consequences—environmental, political, cultural, social and ethical—of our national diet.”

It’s a fascinating article, where she talks about fast food and how it impacts society and character, about “slow food values,” the family farm and the family meal.

Food is so basic to our existence and it can and should be enjoyable, a part of our simple rituals; something we put thought and positive energy into. These are not new concepts to Richard and Hamakua Springs, where it’s always about taste, environment, community and sustainability.

Water’s ideas will resonate with me for a long time because they make a lot of sense. Have a look at the article and see if you agree. — posted by Leslie Lang