Fire Engine Red

Richard Ha writes:

We have a contingency plan in place in terms of who to give our excess tomatoes to when we have an unexpected spike in production. So when we did recently, we were ready. We had already decided that we would give extra tomatoes to teachers, public safety personnel and caregivers.

Recently I wrote about taking cocktail tomatoes to several elementary schools for them to distribute to their students, staff and teachers.

This week, for the first time, we were able to give to public safety personnel. We had enough cocktail tomatoes that we were able to give one container to every firefighter and EMT on the Big Island.

Paramedics Jesse and Wayne

Firefighter Okinaka

Medics Marvin and Grant

Dispatchers Dori and Penny with Captain Lum

They told us they were really grateful that someone from the community felt moved to so such a thing. I told them our workers are happy to work for a company that can do it. It’s a win-win situation for everybody.

We appreciate all that fire personnel do for our community. Mahalo from all of us at Hamakua Springs County Farms.