Spring Fever (Where Is It?!)

RLast week I took some photos of water coming from a spring  we have not yet uncovered on the farm. The land area where the spring is located encompasses maybe five acres. We can see water coming out of the makai end of the block, running under the road through a culvert that the sugar plantation built.

Springs 3 007 (2)

If I drive about 50 yards mauka on the left side of the block, I can hear the spring running about 10 feet from the road. About 30 feet further up the road, the sound disappears. I think the spring water moves away from the road toward the middle of the block, which is about 50 yards wide.

About 200 yards further up the road, there are banana fields completely surrounding our mauka border. There are maybe five acres of wild sugar cane growing where the terrain is too tough for growing bananas.

At that top boundary, Kimo showed me a spot where we can again hear the spring running. That was yesterday, and today I went back with a cane knife to see if I could find the spring source.

I cut my way through the thick sugar cane as the sound of running water got louder and louder. The sugar cane was maybe two feet thick, and matted. I cut my way down into the ravine and had both feet on the ground, straddling the ravine and facing makai.

There was no water behind me – but in front of me, water was coming out of the right side of the ravine. It was running along the top of a solid rock formation, and out the side of the hill.

In the next few days, I’m going to clear away the sugar cane there and explore around the spring intake – see what I can find. This is very exciting.