Iron Chef Morimoto Visits the Farm

It was a busy week. After Governor Lingle dropped by, our friend Tisha Uehara, who is vice president of Armstrong Produce, called and asked if she could bring Iron Chef Morimoto by to visit.

Chef Morimoto is opening a restaurant in Waikiki soon and wanted to introduce himself to the farmers. Of course we told her we would love to see him.

They came in like a whirlwind. Chef Morimoto really focused in on the grape and beef tomatoes.


He looked really carefully at the tomatoes and then he just bit into one. And took several more bites.


Then he said he wanted it in his restaurant, saying that the flavor was excellent and pointing out that the thickness of the skin was just right.


Chef Morimoto autographed some items, gave me an autographed copy of his cookbook and they were gone. All of us were in a good mood.


One thought on “Iron Chef Morimoto Visits the Farm”

  1. He is a very nice man. I met him briefly in November of ’02 when he acted as the MC for a Celebrity Chefs Cook-Off for Food & Wine Magazine’s Best New Chefs for 2002 at the Hilton Waikoloa.

    Glad to hear he is opening a restaurant in Honolulu….

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