Growing Ulu


We are planting ‘ulu trees and eating-bamboo on the parts
of our land not in production agriculture. The idea is to provide
food for our employees.

When we started growing bananas on W.H. Shipman land
at Kea‘au in the early ’80s, there must have been at least 15 ‘ulu trees on the property we leased, each 50 feet tall. In the forest, we could see remnants of human activity from the old days, back when the rule was that ‘ulu trees were not to be cut down.

This is the variety of ‘ulu (also known as breadfruit) that we are planting. It’s low to the ground and the fruit is not so large that you have too much left over.


One thought on “Growing Ulu”

  1. I wish someone would tell the man who does yard work at the Honomu post office that ulu trees should not be cut down…. goodness knows I have, and he persists in cutting one that grown in the front-side yard by the driveway….the poor tree keeps coming up after each chopping.

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