Current Trends in Buying Produce

Every year The Packer publishes Fresh Trends, an industry analysis of preferences for fruits and vegetables. Take a look at this overview:

Fresh Trends 2010

Editorial: Back to the Basics

By Janice M. Kresin, Special Projects Editor

Keep it simple. It’s easy to say, not so easy to do.

We’re bombarded with choices at every turn — What route do I take to work today? Which mobile phone company will work best for my needs? What will I make for dinner tonight? When it comes to food, the choices can be endless.

It turns out, though, that buying fresh fruits and vegetables is not a choice. No matter the economic climate, consumers want the fresh stuff, and it’s never been clearer than in the past year.

Purchases for nearly every commodity we studied in Fresh Trends 2010 — 57 in total — were up this year, despite economic struggles and lingering uncertainty. You see, consumers know that the value of fresh produce goes beyond just dollars. Fresh fruits and veggies are a cheaper alternative than higher health care bills…. Read more

I also noted that first lady Michelle Obama has just launched a campaign to put 6000 or more salad bars in schools over the next three years. She is making a huge difference in Hawai‘i’s food security.

See video about it here.