Geothermal Can Take Us All To A Better Tomorrow

Regarding Peak Oil, the question is: “What do we do now?”

What makes the most sense is to develop energy resources that need no subsidies.

And geothermal is proven technology that needs no subsidies.

Which energy resource will support the most defenseless among us? Geothermal. It is the least costly and it can get energy to all of us, especially the folks on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder.

Higher electric rates encourages the “shiny shoe” folks to leave the grid. This leaves the “rubbah slippah” folks paying more, in order to support the grid. This is not good.

Geothermal can take all of us together to a better tomorrow, and this will cause the aloha spirit to thrive. It is the aloha spirit that will help us through an uncertain future.

Gail Tverberg wrote this. Have a look:

Peak Oil: What do we do now?

Our problem now is that we have built a complex economy that depends on oil and other fuels. We can see that we will have less oil in the future. The question is, “What we should do, in planning for a change in the world?”

Our natural reaction is to try to build add-ons to our current system that we hope might make the system work longer. I am afraid these will be mostly ill-advised, because the system is more complex than we understand, and well-meant changes may have adverse impacts.

What we really need is a new system that will work for the long-term. But such a system is so far away from us now, it is hard to even think about how it would work, and how we would get from our current system to the new system. Read more