‘Crazy Economics’ of Oil/Gasoline Explained By Howard Dicus

Oil pricing is affected by many factors, but it’s important to be mindful of long term trends. Such as what I keep reminding you of here: That for the last 20-30 years, the world has been using twice as much oil as it has been finding. Just to keep up with the normal oil decline rate, we would need to find a Saudi Arabia every two-and-a-half years.

Hawaii News Now writer Howard Dicus wrote a very informative blog piece, about what causes oil prices to rise and fall, called The Crazy Economics of Crude Oil and Gasoline

The price of crude oil crashed today for reasons so complex and crazy it will surely reinforce your view that mankind has invented markets too complicated to manage.

…As a regular consumer, your encounter with energy prices is pretty straightforward:

  • When you need gasoline, you pay for it on the spot, then you get to use it.
  • When you need electricity, you get to use it, then you have to pay for it a few weeks later.
  • When you buy anything else, you know energy costs are usually buried inside the price.

When crude oil is bought and sold on commodity markets, there is a spot market to buy oil on the spot, but most oil is traded through contracts to deliver oil on a specific date in the future…..

Read the rest here

We are happy to see a decline in oil prices, but like I said, we need to be mindful.