Tag Archives: Clean Energy

The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Steering Committee and Me

Because of my agriculture background and my interest in energy matters, I was invited to become a member of the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Steering Committee. I am hopeful that this committee will be able to make significant governmental recommendations.

I believe in implementing proven technology. I believe in Research and Development. But I also realize that “hoping” is not an energy policy.

I believe in implementing processes that result in the lowest cost to rate payers. To the extent that this results in a competitive advantage to Hawai‘i, it will encourage businesses to flourish. On the Big Island, geothermal is clearly the low cost solution for the electrical utility. We must find ways to make it happen.  Not, no can. CAN!

The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) was launched on January 28, 2008 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

The goal: To put Hawai‘i on a path to supply 70 percent of its energy needs with clean energy by 2030.

“…The Department of Energy will help Hawaii lead America in utilizing clean, renewable energy technologies.” – Governor Lingle

“Hawaii’s success will serve as an integrated model and demonstration test bed for the United States and other island communities globally…” – Assistant Secretary Karsner