Tag Archives: Critical

The Train Is Leaving The Station & We Need To Act Now

We are at a real crossroads now – like hundreds of years ago, when Polynesians were sending people north in canoes – and I am serious when I ask: Are we going to do something, or are we just going to talk about it?

I am referring, of course, to our energy problem. It’s about to become critical.

  • Lloyds of London has warned its business clients to be prepared for $200/barrel oil by 2013.
  • In speaking with Forbes magazine, Charlie Maxwell predicted Peak Oil will happen in seven years. http://www.consumerenergyreport.com/2010/09/13/maxwell-forecasts-peak-oil-in-seven-years
  • The German military is also worried about Peak Oil.
  • Many, many other credible groups agree that this is a very critical problem.

We will probably hit Peak Oil sooner rather than later. There is just too much evidence indicating that oil is depleting.

Sitting out here in the middle of the ocean, we must prepare for the worse case scenario. We need to move toward solutions that make us safe, rather than sorry. And we need to move now. We have no time to waste.

My objective is to help us all to survive and still have affordable electricity.

Geothermal is something we have right here that can be considered a game changer. Are we up to the challenge?

There’s no more time for merely throwing around words. We need to act, and now.

The train is leaving the station.