Tag Archives: Inflation

Food Cost Inflation, and a Solution

The current disturbance in the Middle East has its origins in rising unemployment and food costs.

Here’s The Real Cost Of Food Inflation In America

Global Macro Monitor | Feb. 2, 2011, 5:50 AM 
Take a look at the chart we’ve constructed from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics 2009 Consumer Expenditure Survey.  It conveys a sense of how Egypt’s poverty combined with the sharp rise in food prices sparked the political revolt against the Mubarek government.  Read more

We are not immune from these pressures here. Just because food and fuel are stripped from general inflation rates does not mean they have no effect. The rubbah slippah folks all know this.

  • Can we lower food costs and increase employment in Hawai‘i?
  • Can we have prosperity in the face of declining world oil supplies?
  • Do we dare think outside of our individual spheres?
  • Can we have a uniquely Hawaiian solution to the world situation?
  • Can we imagine Hawaiian society where giving is more important than receiving?

My pop always used to say: “There are a thousand reason why ‘No can.’ I am looking for the one reason why CAN!”

Using geothermal as a base, we can have proven technology and low-priced, stable, clean electricity.

Not “no can.” CAN!!